Bette Van Dyke Bette Van Dyke


Active Implementation is an example of bottom up development (Pülzl & Treib, 2006; Sabatier, 1986), where the experience of doing the work is examined and the process of doing the work is improved with discernible outcomes in practice (Fixsen & Blase, 2018). Reality is a severe disciplinarian. Good ideas, concepts, approaches, methods, and tools generated over the decades have been used in practice and only the effective, efficient, and repeatable examples have survived the tests of usability and effectiveness in practice.

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Bette Van Dyke Bette Van Dyke

Bottom-Up Learning

Bottom-up learning is learning based on examined experience. The examination may be in the context of doing experiments or in the context of paying close attention to experience in a plan, do, study, act, cycle improvement mode.

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Bette Van Dyke Bette Van Dyke


Scaling is essential to realizing socially significant benefits in human services. Scaling effective innovations requires scaling effective implementation supports.

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